Friday, June 28, 2013


Yes, there are ways to enjoy happiness in life! This is not the end all be all list to achieve it, but think about it for a moment. Now stop thinking and start doing. Thinking and doing are two different things, that just goes with the good 'ole saying, "Actions speak louder than words". Take action to achieve the happiest you! Even if that is just researching something or taking a moment to evaluate. Have a positive day!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013


An interesting article about types of friends was published online from a women's group called CRAVE. This article brings up a valid point about friendships one has in his/her life. One constantly must balance friendships in order to maintain a balance of everyday life. Lets face it, if you work all the time and are around work people all the might start to despise being at work. In this example, there is no escape or release from WORK. In other situations, you may know of a lot of people but not have true, deep relationships, maybe just friends from softball that you hang out with after the game, don't see them in the off season, don't hang out with them outside of that setting. It is great to have friends regardless but friends are supportive to the balance in life.

Maybe you are affected with obstacles that prevent you from having these friend groups in your life. Take the time out of your day to take care of yourself and find balance in everything you do. Take Care!

*Clients cannot be accepted for this practice until after August 15th, 2013, if you are in need of counseling services before then please visit the links to community resources below. In the event of an emergency please dial 911