Monday, September 9, 2013

Free Parent Self-Care Webinar- Denver Counselor

Parents have a hard job, its being a parent! Then throw in work, dinner, homework, tantrums, arguments, finances, birthday parties, driving around, sports, leisure time, and cleaning; you soon start to realize that you are trying to do it all. The 24 hours in a day, is defiantly not enough. Learning how to better care for yourself in the midst of having to care for your own children can assist you in feeling balanced.

Join In Focus Counseling LLC for the Parent Self-Care Webinar on Wednesday 9/18/13 from 12:30-1:30 pm Mountain Standard Time. This Webinar is free and open for any parent. So feel free to share this posting. Space is limited to 25 attendees.

Lori Johnson, Masters Candidate will be presenting on Variations of Self-Care
The basics of establish new rituals for self-care
How Self-Care benefits you and your family

*Each Participant gets a Free Self-Care Plan Template and 1 attendee will receive the book, The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT by Russ Harris, Steven C. Hayes

Please email: if you would like to attend this Webinar. If you are unable to attend but are interested in learning about future Free events and Webinars, please email indicating you would like to be added to the newsletter.
In Focus Counseling LLC Website

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Are you looking for creative ways to implement change? Follow us on Pinterest!

So Pinterest is a fabulous way to browse, share, create, and post ideas to the world! As a counselor, Pinterest opens a new doors and offers a new way to communicate ideas and creations. It also allows clients to implement new plans in their lives. Because of technology, there is not just one way to do something. Varieties in planning helps changes to be implemented with ease in your schedules. However that ease doesn't imply change itself is easy. Change takes effort, diligence, and a lot of telling yourself yes and/or no.  If you are looking for creative ways to implement change and you know exactly what you need, start inspiring yourself by following us on Pinterest and start pinning.  If you need a little bit more help with whatever you are challenged by in your life, consider making an appointment to find FOCUS and clarity in your future.  Maybe you know someone who needs to talk to a professional, please share this positing with them. Contact In Focus Counseling LLC to make an appointment, currently accepting clients ages 15 through older adulthood.

That being said, you can follow In Focus Counseling LLC on Pinterest.  Happy Pinning!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Accepting Appointments for August

In Focus Counseling, Denver will be accepting appointments starting August 5th, 2013 in Lakewood, Colorado. Offering counseling services to individuals. Specializing in addiction recovery, depression, anxiety, and work/life balance.

Please contact (720) 295-9522 or email

Friday, June 28, 2013


Yes, there are ways to enjoy happiness in life! This is not the end all be all list to achieve it, but think about it for a moment. Now stop thinking and start doing. Thinking and doing are two different things, that just goes with the good 'ole saying, "Actions speak louder than words". Take action to achieve the happiest you! Even if that is just researching something or taking a moment to evaluate. Have a positive day!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013


An interesting article about types of friends was published online from a women's group called CRAVE. This article brings up a valid point about friendships one has in his/her life. One constantly must balance friendships in order to maintain a balance of everyday life. Lets face it, if you work all the time and are around work people all the might start to despise being at work. In this example, there is no escape or release from WORK. In other situations, you may know of a lot of people but not have true, deep relationships, maybe just friends from softball that you hang out with after the game, don't see them in the off season, don't hang out with them outside of that setting. It is great to have friends regardless but friends are supportive to the balance in life.

Maybe you are affected with obstacles that prevent you from having these friend groups in your life. Take the time out of your day to take care of yourself and find balance in everything you do. Take Care!

*Clients cannot be accepted for this practice until after August 15th, 2013, if you are in need of counseling services before then please visit the links to community resources below. In the event of an emergency please dial 911

Friday, May 17, 2013

Two concepts

I read an interesting article on Psychology today about forgiveness versus reconciliation. It is very interesting that most think the two are the same. This article states that the process is different for the two. Take a look at this article.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quote on Goal Setting

"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it's an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more"
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter

This quote says a lot about goal setting and looking towards the future.  Goal setting is difficult especially when going through transitions of life and those transitions look different for everyone. Growing older, getting a new job, making a new start, getting bored of where you are in life, or making a big change that you have been stalling on forever.  Those are just a few examples of the many transitions people face in their lives.  Lets face it, humans strive for setting goals and looking into the future.  This is an important part of setting goals, people want to be better, do better things, need a change, or even sometimes just want to make more money. Goal setting and looking towards the future is about what YOU want and/or need.  Not all of those things that people strive for are possible but there are some aspects in life that are able to be changed.  When setting your goals put yourself and your immediate family first. What goals are realistic, what is really needed, what is really attainable? If you need some extra help in setting goals....educate yourself.  Look to resources that will help you find out what goals are important.

Here is one to help you get started.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Enjoy your day!

Take some time out of your day to enjoy the things around you, even if it is just for 5 minutes! It might be a moment of silence, a nice view outside, or your favorite song on the radio. Spring is here and what a better time to SPRING your mood and well-being into a forward direction. Take Care!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Getting out of bed

Ever have those mornings when getting out of bed is a chore?

I think everyone does but there are those days that may be a little more powerful than others.  A day when you just can't face what the world has to bring, your boss and his/her demands, getting the kids ready, or even the simple task of finding something to where.  These daunting tasks get in the way of experiencing and enjoying life. If you just had a bad day and didn't want to get up, well maybe you can choose to call in sick and take a day to rest and relax and you will be fine tomorrow.  But maybe you have no vacation days to waste or maybe tomorrow comes and that feeling is still there.  Self care is an important task that takes balance and effort.  If you are experiencing a lot of life stress and/or depressive symptoms, it is better dealt with sooner than later.  Seek support from a friend, close one, or if you are teetering on calling a professional, remember this, you aren't alone! Make today the day to take care of yourself.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Keep calm and carry on

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
I have seen these postings all over Pinterest these days. I think it is a loaded statement assuming that one can "calm down". Easier said than done huh? Well it takes some practice. There is one general thing that get in the way of this, well its LIFE! Everyday we experience stress and sometimes we do not even realize. With kids running around the house, the news in our face, and the everyday hustle and bustle with little free time, well, its easy to forget about the self care we need to "calm down".

Generally speaking, most persons may find it hard to relax. But it is important! You might not always have the money or the time to bring calmness into your life.  Its time to start. Well to start, what is calming to you? Is it music, peace and quiet, a massage, a movie, hot bath, really take some time to think about what is calming.  A lot of time throughout the day we feel our body getting tense, our teeth clenching, fists balled up.....really, you say, "No"? Think again! You do it more often than you think but then how do you know when you are stressed? Well, if you are not sure, ask others around you? Start getting to know yourself by others observations.

Awareness is important of knowing when you are stressed and may need some time to calm

  • Try new things: yoga, you tube relaxation videos, music, a new coffee flavor, new scent, a new routine or really any routine. Something small you enjoy, it doesn't need to be expensive or take a lot of time. Just something to slow you down for a few mins.
  • Use your senses: Often we aren't taking time to "smell the roses". Next time you are cooking take a moment to be mindful of your experience in the kitchen, what are you smelling, do you enjoy it, or does it taste better than it smells, when you are in the shower, SMELL your shampoo, soap, etc. 
  • Breath: Yes we do it all day, but it is different when you focus on breathing. There is a reason people love yoga, it is a lot of breathing. Slowing down breathing is calming and cleansing to the body. Don't know how? Google YouTube videos of relaxation breathing and find one that is right for you. Or even better your local yoga studio might even offer a free week of yoga.  Its can you say no?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The love/hate New Years Resolution....

Its the end of January and you might be thinking, "Where did the month go?" Each year you may start off with new goals in mind, new adventures, challenges planned out. The infamous New Years Resolution doesn't have to ruin the way you feel about yourself. Whether you set out to loose weight, spend more time with family, make more money, spend less money, get a new car, keep your house clean, spend more time with the kids.... (and the list goes on), you were determined to achieve your goal.  But it is not everyday that you are a Superacheiver! It takes practice and sometimes, a lot of bumps in the road. So hang in there! At the first sign of "failure", be sure to take a step back. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind to stay focused on your goal. 
1. Make room for the improvement- Yes this means that you get to pat yourself on the back. You must acknowledge your victories! Even if you only did a little bit.  For example, you made avoided pulling into the Starbucks drive-thru one time. Remember the sacrifices you are making. A caution, don't get too ahead of yourself.  Each time you have to raise the bar just a little. This will keep you moving forward. 
2.  Keep moving Forward- Yes, even when you get sidetracked, cheat on your diet or skip the gym,  you must get up the next day with intentions of continuing. Measuring your progress in a great way to make sure that your goal is obtainable and realistic. Of course you want BIG improvements for yourself BUT, you can't carry the world on your shoulders. 
3. Set time frames-Are you giving yourself enough time? Maybe, maybe not. Take a look at your lifestyle, finances, motivation, time, and resources, are they in line with your goal? If not re-evaluate! This is the worst thing you can do is not put enough time into planning a sound goal. You will set yourself up for failure, that is no good for the self-esteem. Set long term and short term goals. For example, In the next two weeks I will...... or By next month I will...... Remember plan, plan, plan and have a backup plan!
4. Support- Find persons or things in your life that support your new goal! There are so many technologies out there to help, Facebook groups, Pinterest, google images, phone apps, online forums, ect. Photo boards on Pinterest may keep you motivated with healthy meals, style, vacation adventures and so much more. Photographs help inspire creativity and may give you a new perspective on your goal. Or maybe when you are feeling like you can't do can find people who do and re-inspire your motivation. Don't forget about friends and family! If you need a bit more you might want to consider a group focused on the same goals, a counselor, therapist, or life-coach to help you through. 

Be sure that you made your goal with the idea in mind that it is truly important to you! Overall, change is difficult! No one wakes up and wants to change without a darn good reason or motivation. Be healthy and best of luck with your New Years Resolution!

Disclaimer: This post is to help inspire and support, there are some goals that you may set that are much more complex. This post is not professional guidance and is created for leisure reading.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome to the blog

In Focus Counseling will be accepting clients in August of 2013. We will serve the Denver metro area with affordable counseling and mental health services.
Specialty areas will include, but are not limited to:
Addiction/Substance Abuse
Work related stress

Stay tuned for additional posts, updates, helpful tips, and reflections on mental health.
